Typography / Final Compilation & Reflection
22/04/2024 - 22/07/2024
JING KEYAO/0370732/Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Final Compilation & Reflection
JING KEYAO/0370732/Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Final Compilation & Reflection
Task 1/ Exercise 1 - Type Expression
Fig 1.1 Final Type Expression (JPG) Week 3
Fig 1.2 Final Type Expression (PDF), Week 3
Fig 1.3 Animated Type Expression "CRASH" (GIF), Week 5
Task 1/ Exercise 2 - Text Formatting
Fig 1.4 Text Formatting Design (JPG)
Fig 1.5 Text Formatting Design (PDF)
Fig 1.6 Text Formatting Design with Grid (JPG)
Fig 1.7 Text Formatting Design with Grid (PDF)
Formatting Details:
·Font/s: Univers LT Std 65 Bold (Headline)
Univers LT Std 65 Bold (Subheadline),
Univers LT Std 57 Condensed Oblique (Byline)
·Type Size/s: 60 pt (Headline), 48 pt (Subheadline), 14 pt (Byline)
·Leading: 74 pt (Headline), 57.6 pt (Subheadline), 16.8 pt (Byline)
·Font/s: ITC New Baskerville Std Roman
·Typ Size: 9 pt, 14 pt (Drop Cap)
·Leading: 10 pt
·Paragraph spacing: 10 pt
·Characters per-line: 61
·Alignment: Left justified
·Margins: 20 mm top+left + right, 50mm bottom
·Columns: 2
Fig 2.2 Editorial Text Formatting Design (PDF)
Fig 2.3 Editorial Text Formatting with Grid (JPEG)
Fig 2.4 Editorial Text Formatting Design with Grid (PDF)
Formatting Details:
Font/s: Futura Std Bold
Type Size/s: 17 pt
Font/s: ITC New Baskerville Std Roman
Typ Size: 11 pt
Leading: 11 pt
Paragraph spacing: 14 pt
Characters per-line: 33
Alignment: Left aligned
Margins: 10 mm
Columns: 3
Gutter: 5 mm
Task 3/ Type Design & Communication
Download font here:
Fig 3.1&2 Screen grab in FontlLab
Fig 3.3 Type Design "FLOW"(JPG)
Fig 3.4 Type Design "FLOW" (PDF)
Type Information:
Ascender: 750 pt
x-height: 675 pt
Median: 390 pt
Baseline: 0 pt
Descender: -250 pt
Fig 3.5 Final Poster Design (JPG)
Fig 3.6 Final Poster Design (PDF)
Over the past 14 weeks, learning typography has been both fulfilling and challenging. I experienced moments of burnout and dissatisfaction with my work, but I understand these are part of the learning process. Creating my own font was incredibly satisfying, despite being time-consuming and intricate. This experience enhanced my observational skills and deepened my respect for type design, making me appreciate the role of typography in design and its impact.
Throughout this module, I developed a keen eye for the details of typography. Initially, I thought many typefaces were symmetrical, but close examination revealed their asymmetry. This awareness extended beyond the classroom; I began to notice and critique typography in everyday life, from videos to product packaging. Typography requires meticulous attention to detail, and even small changes can significantly impact readability and aesthetics. This module also highlighted the importance of readability and accessibility in type design.
One key discovery this semester is that typography goes beyond aesthetics. The rules and guidelines, especially the anatomy of letters, were more detailed than I anticipated. As someone who values creative freedom in art, adapting to the structured approach of typography required patience. I learned that simplicity often leads to timeless and readable designs. While art and typography differ, the observational skills needed in both are crucial for creating effective and visually pleasing designs.
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